Saturday, August 20, 2016

Bach in Bach-Country

I've been privileged to return for another amazing week in Thüringen - the land of Bach - for another amazing program of Bach Cantatas and Masses with Helmuth Rilling as he leads an academy for young musicians from around the world interested in the music of Bach.  What a privilege to watch these musicians from so many different countries and continents to come together to make this amazing music written by this devoted genius from hundreds of years ago.

Bach's music is truly the touchstone to which I always return when attempting to find my center.  Perhaps it's just a symptom of the fact that I was raised musically studying his violin concertos, but no composer has taught me more about music, vocal technique, nor instilled in me such a sense of awe and humility.

Also, what a privilege to have this week to work alongside Maestro Rilling yet again - never have I met someone so invested in the growth and deepening of artistry of those who surround him, regardless of age or level of experience.  I really feel a true sense of musical family with this man who has lived with the music of Bach for so many years.  He is a constant inspiration.

Here's a short documentary about last year's academy...this year has been no less revelatory and touching:

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