Tuesday, October 11, 2016

National Coming Out Day

A very happy National Coming Out Day to one and all.  

I've always believed that it is of the utmost importance to be out, subscribing to the belief that is a public responsibility to be out in order to show the world, most especially those younger than us, who have yet to embark upon the journey of coming out, what happy, beautiful and fulfilling lives it is possible to lead as LGBT people.  I discussed this back in 2010 in an interview for the Huffington Post.  While the world has changed greatly in the past 6 years, the need for us to be out and proud beacons of hope remains just a necessary as it ever has.  It's wonderful the giant strides we have made  towards achieving our civil rights around the world, but coming out still means braving the terrors and real dangers of bigotry, hate and homphobia.

I applaud and celebrate all of my LGBT sisters and brothers, thank you for being such brave and bight lights, illuminating and enlightening this world in which we live. 

Previous National Coming Out Day posts are here, here and here.

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